
Generics Can Make Your Go Code Slower

- Vicent Marti tl;dr: "This blog post does not take sides in that debate, or advise where and when to use Generics in Go. Instead, this blog post is about the third side of the generics conundrum: It’s about systems engineers who are not excited about generics per se, but about monomorphization and its performance implications."

featured in #304

An Introduction To Generics

- Ian Lance Taylor Robert Griesemer tl;dr: Generics adds 3 new things to Go: (1) Type parameters for function and types. (2) Defining interface types as sets of types, including types that don’t have methods. (3) Type inference, which permits omitting type arguments in many cases when calling a function.

featured in #302

Why Generics?

- Ian Lance Taylor tl;dr: What it would mean to add generics to Go. Generics enables the representation of functions and data structures in a generic form, with types factored out. Examples included.

featured in #149