Tuesday 7th March's issue is presented by PostHog |
PostHog's open source suite of product tools includes multivariate feature flags, letting you roll out features safely. Toggle features for cohorts or individuals to test the impact before rolling out to everyone. Included free with all plans! |
Running Your Engineering Onboarding Program - Will Larson #Leadership #Management
Will discusses: (1) Fundamental components of onboarding, including examples. (2) Role of executive sponsor, orchestrator, manager and buddy in a typical process. (3) Curriculum to consider including in your onboarding. (4) Why onboarding programs fail. (5) Whether to integrate with wider company onboarding. (6) When to prioritize onboarding. |
Why You Should Send A Weekly Summary Email - Jens-Fabian Goetzmann #Leadership #Management #CareerAdvice
The weekly email has 2 headings, with 3–5 short bullets under each: (1) “Achievements This Week” i.e. the most important things you’ve done this week. (2) “Priorities Next Week:” the most important things you want to get done the following. The benefits are: it starts the week off right, ensure progress on the things that matter, enables introspection, aligns priorities, make invisible work visible and keep a record of achievements. |
Why 'Product Engineer' Is The Most Fun Role I've Had In Tech - Raquel M Smith #CareerAdvice
A product engineer is someone who works with customers and data to decide what should be built, and then goes and builds it themselves. Raquel discusses how it trumps software engineering in that it allows the individual the autonomy to make important decisions, and was a more fun career path for the author.
Promoted by PostHog |
How To Approach A System Design Interview #InterviewAdvice
This article covers: (1) The difference between engineering problems and design problems. (2) How approaching a system design interview is different to a coding interview. (3) What it’s like to walk into a system design interview. (4) What your interviewer looks for, and what they don’t. (5) Green Flags, Red Flags, and other signposts. |
“Perfecting oneself is as much unlearning as it is learning.” ― Edsger Dijkstra
The World's Smallest Hash Table - Orson Peters #Dictionary #DeepDive #Performance
Orson tackles an Advent of Code, which he optimizes “completely beyond the point of reason” but also contains a useful technique, showing us how to store a small lookup table with small elements as a constant, indexed using shifts. |
Fixing The Next 10,000 Aliasing Bugs #LanguageDesign
The author highlights 3 cases studies that reflect a common bug - “an invariant was violated thanks to multiple aliased references to the same value… The problem comes when there are multiple references to the relevant data, and another reference observes this temporarily violated invariant.” The author discusses how this could inform future language design decisions and the emergence of alias types. |
Which Web Frontend Architecture Fits Best? - Patrick Roos #Guide #Architecture
Technical article where Patrick creates a guide on how to find the right web frontend architecture that fits your specific quality goals, and discusses architecture styles with their different rendering techniques. |
My Hardest Bug Ever - Dave Baggett #Debugging
Dave, a video game developer, discusses the hardest bug he’s come across and how we went about debugging it. “Among other things, I wrote the memory card code for Crash Bandicoot. For a swaggering game coder, this is like a walk in the park; I expected it would take a few days. I ended up debugging that code for 6 weeks. I did other stuff during that time, but I kept coming back to this bug - a few hours every few days. It was agonizing.”
Only established & well funded VC backed companies can hire from our collective: Knock, seed stage dev tool company hiring Developer Success Engineer. NY, Remote. Hopper, late stage travel company hiring Senior Engineer. Remote. Snowflake, cloud data platform hiring Data Cloud Architect.
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Llama-dl: High-speed download of Facebook's 65B parameter GPT model. Service Weaver: Programming framework for writing and deploying cloud applications. RoomGPT: Upload a photo of your room to generate your dream room with AI. V Programming Language: Compiles itself in <1s with zero library dependencies.
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