Friday 3rd March's issue is presented by Airplane |
Airplane is a developer platform for building custom internal tools. Your team can transform scripts, queries, and APIs into UIs and workflows in minutes. Airplane's code-first approach makes it easy to customize operations and integrate them into your codebase. Use Airplane for admin operations, customer support, long-running jobs, and more. |
Building Your Executive Network - Will Larson #Leadership #Management #CareerAdvice
tl;dr: Will outlines several tactic for engineers to do this. “Your network is a collection of relationships, and relationships always work best when they’re built before you need them. Set a small goal, like meeting one new person each month, and slowly build your network up over time. Don’t make it your top priority, but don’t forget it either.” |
How To Contribute To A Project You Have No Idea About - Michal Warda #CareerAdvice
tl;dr: Michael discusses his process contributing to Bun - a new JavaScript / TypeScript runtime, elaborating on the following workflow in this article: (1) Setup and run the tests for an existing codebase and get them green. (2) Write a test that fails. (3) Change the code. (4) Think if you need to add another test. (5) If you found a test to write then go back to 1. If you can’t think of a test you’re done. |
No-Code Has No Future In A World Of AI - Ravi Parikh #AI #ThoughtPiece
tl;dr: Ravi Parikh, CEO of Airplane, discusses how AI-driven software development will dwarf no-code tools' capabilities and eventually make no-code obsolete.
Promoted by Airplane |
Move Past Incident Response To Reliability #Leadership #Management
tl;dr: In this guide you will learn: (1) About the current standard for incident response and analysis. (2) Where some teams get themselves in trouble with the current standard. (3) How to find your own path through the innovation and dogma of leading a company’s approach to reliability. |
“Technology is dominated by two types of people, those who understand what they do not manage and those who manage what they do not understand.” ― Archibald Putt
From Postgres To Amazon DynamoDB #Scale #Migration #Database
tl;dr: From the engineering team at Instacart, who have to manage and efficiently store and query hundreds of terabytes of data. The primary datastore of choice was Postgres - but once specific use cases began to outpace the largest Amazon EC2 instance size AWS offers - they chose Amazon DynamoDB. Here they discuss migrating existing tables from Postgres to DynamoDB. |
Database Cryptography Fur The Rest Of Us #Database #Security
tl;dr: The author defines database cryptography, how it manifests for both relational and NoSQL databases, searchable encryption, and provides a case study of MongoDB’s Client-Side encryption. |
Introducing Service Weaver: A Framework For Writing Distributed Applications - Srdjan Petrovic, Garv Sawhney #UsefulTool
tl;dr: From the engineering team at Google, “we are excited to introduce Service Weaver, an open source framework for building and deploying distributed applications. Service Weaver allows you to write your application as a modular monolith and deploy it as a set of microservices.” |
Inside The Lab That’s Growing Mushroom Computers - Charlotte Hu #IndustryNews
tl;dr: “…Researchers can use the presence or absence of a spike as their zero or one, and code the different timing and spacing of the spikes that are detected to correlate to the various gates seen in computer programming language (or, and, etc). Further, if you stimulate mycelium at two separate points, then conductivity between them increases, and they communicate faster, and more reliably, allowing memory to be established. This is like how brain cells form habits.”
Data Elixir: Top Data Science Picks From Around The Web
Data Elixir is an email newsletter that keeps you on top of the tools and trends in Data Science. Covers machine learning, data visualization, analytics, and strategy. Curated weekly with top picks from around the web.
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MRSK: Deploys web apps anywhere from bare metal to cloud VMs using Docker. OpenAI Python: Access to the OpenAI API from Python apps. Nebullvm: Plug and play modules to optimize the performances of your AI systems. CloudQuery: OS high performance data integration platform built for developers.
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