Issue #244

10 August 2021

Issue #244

Presented by Vanta
Better Coordination, Or Better Software?
- Jessica Kerr
#Management #Leadership
tl;dr: As a company scales and software scales, more inter-department co-ordination is required. It may seem like a good idea to help departments coordinate smoothly and frequently, but the counter is better - help them coordinate less, and establish boundaries and the few interfaces that cross them. This leads to better quality software. 
Security Reviews for Startups
#Management #Leadership

tl;dr: This guide will 1) demystify security reviews 2) give you tips on how to navigate lengthy questionnaires and 3) introduce third-party audits (SOC 2, HIPAA, & ISO 27001)

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How To Find Your Zone Of Genius
- Mathilde Collin

tl;dr: The zone of genius are "activities that you are uniquely good at in the world, and that you love to do, so much so, that time and space likely disappear to you when you do them." Document each activity you do in a 2 week period, and highlight those that give you energy, and those that take it away. For the latter, find ways to eliminate, outsource or reframe the activity. The aim is for 75% of activities to give you energy.

tl;dr: Dave has created the following 6 steps to create an impactful offsite: Setup the ground rules, foster connection using certain exercises he highlights, focus on divergent thinking to problem solve, convergent thinking to analyze, commit to any agreements made, and celebrate.  
Visualizing A Codebase
- Amelia Wattenberger
tl;dr: Amelia show "how can we “fingerprint” a codebase to see its structure at a glance," exploring ways to automatically visualize a GitHub repo, and how that could be useful.

A Message From Vanta...

Vanta is the easy way to get SOC 2, HIPAA, or ISO 27001 compliant. 1000+ companies trust Vanta to automate their security monitoring, and get ready for security audits in weeks instead of months. 

tl;dr: Trends Matt found surprising from the Stack Overflow survey: (1) Almost 20% of professional developers use Kubernetes, and 36% of Docker users don't use Kubernetes. (2) Only around 15% of developers consider themselves data scientists, data engineers, or data analysts. (3) Number of full-stack developers decline from 58% to 49% over the last year. 
tl;dr: (1) Broot is a "better version" of tree (2) Funky “takes shell functions to the next level by making them easier to define, more flexible, and more interactive.” (3) FZF is a command-line fuzzy finder, and more. 
How Does FaceTime Work?
- Mathew Duggan
tl;dr: "We need to establish a connection between two devices through various levels of networking abstraction, both at the ISP level and home level. This needs to be secure, reliable enough to maintain a conversation and also low bandwidth enough to be feasible given modern cellular data limits and home internet data caps. All of this needs to run on a device with limited battery capacity." 
#WebDevelopment #Front-end
tl;dr: Nolan's preferred solution is "to use requestIdleCallback to wait for the UI thread to be idle before running the blocking code." He discusses the benefits here. 
#Apple #InternetHealth
tl;dr: "While child exploitation is a serious problem, and while efforts to combat it are almost unquestionably well-intentioned, Apple's proposal introduces a backdoor that threatens to undermine fundamental privacy protections for all users of Apple products."