Tuesday 27rd February’s issue is presented by Speakeasy |
Fast-Track Your API Integrations With Speakeasy SDKs
Production API integrations are time-consuming for your users to get right. Great SDKs help but have traditionally been hard to build & maintain.
Speakeasy’s platform now makes crafting type-safe, idiomatic SDKs for enterprise APIs easy.
Make SDK generation part of your API’s CI/CD and distribute libraries that users love at a fraction of the cost of maintaining them in-house. |
Guide To Leading Meetings For Software Engineers — Jordan Cutler
tl;dr: (1) Before the meeting: Figure out the outcome you want to achieve by the end of the meeting. Invite people based on that outcome. Send a message or tag in the channel about the meeting invite and the purpose. Add a meeting description so everyone knows what it’s about. Start the meeting description with, “The goal of this meeting is…” (2) During the meeting: Start the meeting off by reiterating the expected outcome and goal. Respectfully keep the meeting on track pointing to the goal. Make sure everyone feels heard throughout the discussion. (3) After the meeting: Document all important points. Post a summary of the points and action items along with dates and responsible individuals.
Leadership Management |
How Do You Spend Your Time? — Marc Brooker
tl;dr: “You thought you were productive, and getting a lot done, but they weren’t the things you, or your manager, thought were most valuable for your project and team. You’re busy, you’re productive, but it doesn’t feel right. It’s a problem I’ve faced before, which I think I’ve mostly solved for myself. Here’s some thoughts on what worked for me.”
CareerAdvice |
In-Depth: OpenAPI Client Generation Comparison
tl;dr: OSS SDK generators might seem free, but they have a lot of hidden costs that any enterprise user should consider carefully. Plenty of bugs, no support, spotty OpenAPI compatibility, and more will require a serious investment of engineering resources. Read on to learn about the business and technical considerations and explore available options.
Promoted by Speakeasy SDK API |
What If Everybody Did Everything Right? — Lorin Hochstein tl;dr: In the wake of an incident, we are inevitably led to answer two questions: “What did we do wrong here? What didn’t we do that we should have?” Lorin argues these questions create a specific lens to scrutinize the incident. “An alternative lens for making sense of an incident is to ask the question “how did this incident happen, assuming that everybody did everything right?” Assume that everybody whose actions contributed to the incident made the best possible decision based on the information they had, and the constraints and incentives that were imposed upon them.” This incites different questions: (1) What information did people know in the moment? (2) What were the constraints that people were operating under?
Management Post-mortem |
“You can’t creatively help a business until you know how it works."
— Chad Fowler |
Meta's New LLM-Based Test Generator Is A Sneak Peek To The Future Of Development — Leonardo Creed
tl;dr: “Meta claims that this “this is the first paper to report on LLM-generated code that has been developed independent of human intervention (other than final review sign off), and landed into large scale industrial production systems with guaranteed assurances for improvement over the existing code base.” Furthermore, there are solid principles that developers can take away in order to use AI effectively themselves.”
Trends Tests LLM |
Google Zanzibar For The Rest Of Us tl;dr: Google Zanzibar powers authorization for hundreds of Google’s apps so you might think it's a great model for your authorization service. But does Zanzibar's promises of scale, high availability, strong consistency mean that it’s the right solution for the rest of us? Zanzibar's defining characteristic is actually centralization, which is a massive tradeoff that’s not practical for most. The Googles of the world can pull it off, but is there a Zanzibar for the rest of us?
Promoted by Oso Infrastructure |
1.5+ Million PDFs In 25 minutes — Karan Sharma, Sarat Chandra tl;dr: “In this blog post, we describe our journey of building an architecture from scratch which now enables us to process, generate, digitally sign, and e-mail out 1.5+ million PDF contract notes in about 25 minutes, incurring only negligible costs. We self-host all elements of this architecture relying on raw EC2 instances for compute and S3 for ephemeral storage. In addition, the concepts used for orchestration of this particular workflow can now be used for orchestrating many different kinds of distributed jobs within our infrastructure.”
Scale PDF |
JavaScript Bloat In 2024 — Nikita Prokopov tl;dr: “I was a bit out of touch with modern front-end development. I also remembered articles about web bloat, how the average web page size was approaching several megabytes! So all this time I was living under impression that, for example, if the average web page size is 3 MB, then JavaScript bundle should be around 1 MB. Surely content should still take the majority, no? Well, the only way to find out is to fuck around. Let’s do a reality check!”
JavaScript |
How Discord Moved Engineering To Cloud Development Environments — Denbeigh Stevens tl;dr: “The Internal Developer Experience team is responsible for roughly the first third of the development life cycle. Our main tasks include building and maintaining IDE experiences, managing development environments, shipping tools for building, developing, and testing code, scaling and maintaining CI infrastructure, and owning the change management process and supporting tooling infrastructure. While we could delve deeper into any of these topics, this blog post focuses on how we transitioned all backend and infrastructure development to a Linux-based Cloud Development Environment.”
Architecture Cloud |
Act: Run GitHub Actions locally.
FastUI: Better UIs faster.
GPTScript: Develop LLM apps in natural language.
Moondream: Tiny vision language model.
PGlite: Run Postgres in the browser.
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