Friday 26th May’s issue is presented by Teleport |
Teleport is the easiest, most secure way to access all your infrastructure. The open-source Teleport Access Plane consolidates connectivity, authentication, authorization, and audit into a single platform. |
Creating A Culture Of Listening — Kim Scott
tl;dr: Kim contrasts (1) Quiet listening: listening with periods of silence to encourage others to talk with (1) Loud listening: saying things to prompt a reaction from others and have them challenge you. Whether through quiet or loud listening, leaders must create an environment where everyone's ideas are heard, debated, and tested. Embrace diverse perspectives, empower employees to contribute, and establish systems for generating ideas and addressing concerns.
Leadership Management |
Cognitive Load Developer's Handbook — Artem Zakirullin
tl;dr: “We spend far more time reading and understanding code than writing it. Therefore, the amount of cognitive load we need to build in our brains in order to understand code is crucial.” This post looks at every decision, every trendy buzzword, and every fancy technology through the lens of cognitive load.”
Leadership Management |
Identity-Native Infrastructure Access
tl;dr: Download your copy and learn how to prevent breaches by eliminating secrets, including the two new chapters on Secure Connectivity and Authentication.
Management BookRecommendation |
DevEx: What Actually Drives Productivity — Abi Noda tl;dr: The 3 pillars are: (1) Reducing friction: minimizing obstacles, inefficiencies, and complexities in the development process. (2) Optimizing workflows: streamlining processes, automating repetitive tasks, and integrating tools and technologies. (3) Enabling a state of flow: creating an environment that fosters concentration, creativity, and intrinsic motivation.
Leadership Management Productivity |
“I’m opposed to setting aside time for refactoring. In my view refactoring is not an activity you set aside time to do. Refactoring is something you do all the time in little bursts.”
— Martin Folwer
How To Evaluate Dependencies — Phil Booth
tl;dr: “One of my stock interview questions goes: "When picking between dependencies to use in production, what factors contribute to your decision?" I'm surprised by how often I receive an answer along the lines of "Github stars" and not much else. I happen to think Github stars is a terrible metric for selecting production code, so this post sets out my idea of a healthier framework to evaluate dependencies.”
Management CareerAdvice |
Investigating The Impact Of HTTP3 On Network Latency For Search
tl;dr: The Dropbox engineering team discusses experiments conducted to improve search latency: “at the beginning of our investigation into network latency, we only knew the hypothetical benefits of HTTP3. Now we have a better understanding of the actual impact that HTTP3 can bring —not only to Search, but all of Dropbox.”
Latency HTTP |
Is 20M Of Rows Still A Valid Soft Limit Of MySQL Table In 2023? — Yisheng Gong
tl;dr: “There’s rumor around the internet that we should avoid having > 20M rows in a single MySQL table. Otherwise, the table’s performance will be downgraded, you will find SQL query much slower than usual when it’s above the soft limit. These judgements were made on HDD many years ago. I’m wondering if it’s still true for MySQL on SSD in 2023, and if true, why is that?”
SQL Database |
Donald Knuth On ChatGPT — Donald Knuth
tl;dr: “Since one of today's popular recreations is to play with ChatGPT, I decided to try my own little experiment, as part of a correspondence with Stephen Wolfram.The results were sufficiently interesting that I passed them onto a few friends the next day, and I've also been mentioning them in conversation when the topic comes up. So I was asked to post the story online.”
AI OpenAI |
OS Alternatives: List of OS alternatives to everyday SaaS products.
Next.js Enterprise: Boilerplate for high-performance, maintainable apps.
Track Anything: Video object tracking and segmentation.
Quivr: Your second brain powered by AI.
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