/Wesley Aptekar-Cassels

How I Run My Servers tl;dr: The author uses a robust, low-maintenance server setup with DigitalOcean VMs, Debian 10, and Rust-based server software. Deployment is simplified with binary files, and SQLite databases ensure data safety. Nginx handles HTTPS, and services are isolated using individual Unix user accounts. Key takeaway: By utilizing tried-and-true, long-standing tools and methods, you can achieve a reliable, stable server infrastructure without over-reliance on cloud solutions.

featured in #431

The Curse Of NixOS tl;dr: "I don't think that NixOS is the future, but I do absolutely think that the ideas in it are, so I want to write about what I think it gets right and what it gets wrong, in the hopes that other projects can take note. As such, this post will not assume knowledge of NixOS — if you've used NixOS significantly, there probably isn't anything new in here for you."

featured in #285

Consider SQLite tl;dr: "If you were creating a web app from scratch today, what database would you use? Probably the most frequent answer I see to this is Postgres", although common answers are MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, MongoDB, etc..." Wesley makes a case for why you should consider SQLite. "As long as you don't expect to need tens of thousands of small writes per second, thousands of large writes, or long-lived write transactions, it's highly likely that SQLite will support your usecase. "

featured in #281