
How Uber Finds Nearby Drivers At 1 Million Requests Per Second

tl;dr: H3 is a hexagonal-shaped hierarchical geospatial indexing system created at Uber dividing Earth’s surface into cells on a flat grid, giving each cell a unique identifier with a 64-bit integer. Uber finds nearby drivers by identifying the relevant cells covering the rider's area and then listing the drivers in those cells sorted by the estimated time of arrival (ETA). H3 offers the benefits of a hierarchical indexing system and a hexagonal grid system.

featured in #477

uVitals – An Anomaly Detection & Alerting System

- Venki Appiah Komal Raulkar tl;dr: "Every day, millions of people rely on Uber to move from place to place and have food and groceries delivered. Uber depends on the reliability of its internal systems and the accuracy of data to power its platform. A glitch in its systems can result in a poor user experience and/or a loss in revenue. Major system issues that affect the reliability of our services are detected and mitigated quickly. However, there are several minor issues that take a longer time to detect and mitigate. Such minor issues can collectively result in poor user experiences and revenue loss over time. This is where uVitals comes in, as it surfaces these issues and anomalies when they begin to occur."

featured in #476

How Meta Built The Infrastructure For Threads

tl;dr: The article give examples of two existing components that played an important architectural role in building Threads: (1) ZippyDB, a distributed key/value datastore that provides scalability and flexibility across data centers. (2) Async, an asynchronous serverless function platform that processes trillions of function calls daily across over 100,000 servers. Async defers computing to off-peak hours, reducing time from solution conception to production deployment by handling deployment complexities i.e. queueing, scheduling, scaling, and disaster recovery. This allowed developers to focus on business logic. 

featured in #475

The Architecture Of Serverless Data Systems

- Jack Vanlightly tl;dr: Jack delves into the evolving landscape of serverless, multi-tenant data architectures. He highlights the increasing prevalence of these systems, such as Google’s BigQuery and Amazon’s DynamoDB, and their diverse implementations across various workloads. The article discusses common patterns like disaggregated architectures, where storage and compute are separated, and the challenges of balancing resource sharing with tenant isolation. Jack also explores the nuances of managing heat (load balancing) and achieving high resource utilization in these systems, emphasizing the importance of efficient hardware use while maintaining solid performance and isolation.

featured in #469

How We Organise Our Very Large Python Monolith

tl;dr: "I work on Kraken: a Python application which has, at last count, 27,637 modules. Yes, you read that right: nearly 28k separate Python files - not including tests. I do this along with 400 other developers worldwide, constantly merging in code. And all anyone needs to make a change - and kick start a deployment of the software that runs 17 different energy and utility companies, with many millions of customers - is one single approval from a colleague on Github." The author shares how this is an effective way of working and the monolith’s structure. 

featured in #466

The Architecture Behind A One-Person Tech Startup

- Anthony Simon tl;dr: "This is a long-form post breaking down the setup I use to run a SaaS. From load balancing to cron job monitoring to payments and subscriptions. There's a lot of ground to cover, so buckle up. As grandiose as the title of this article might sound, I should clarify we’re talking about a low-stress, one-person company that I run from my flat here in Germany. It's fully self-funded, and I like to take things slow. It's probably not what most people imagine when I say "tech startup"."

featured in #465

Building Modern Web Applications: 5 Essential Frontend Architecture Principles

- Patrick Roos tl;dr: Principles you should always follow: (1) Async or defer load, consider the critical path. (2) Tree-shake, consciously bundle and eliminate dead code. (3) Define and respect a performance budget. Principles you should follow when possible: (4) Stick to the web platform APIs and web standards. (5) Use new generation frontend frameworks. Patrick discusses each in this post. 

featured in #464

How Pinterest Scaled To 11 million Users With Only 6 Engineers

tl;dr: In 2012, Pinterest reached 11.7 million monthly users with just six engineers. The article chronicles Pinterest's journey from its launch in 2010 with a single engineer to its rapid growth. Key lessons include using proven technologies, keeping architecture simple, and avoiding over-complication. Pinterest faced challenges like data corruption due to clustering and had to pivot to more reliable technologies like MySQL and Memcached. By January 2012, they simplified their stack, removing less-proven technologies and focusing on manual database sharding for scalability.

featured in #454

Storage Challenges In The Evolution Of Database Architecture

- Sujay Venaik tl;dr: “Sync service has been running since 2014, and we started facing issues related to physical storage on the database layer. For context, sync service runs on an AWS RDS Aurora cluster that has a single primary writer node and 3-4 readers, all of which are r6g.8xlarge. AWS RDS has a physical storage size limit of 128TiB for each RDS cluster… We were hovering around ~95TB, and our rate of ingestion was ~2TB per month. At this rate, we realized we would see ingestion issues in another 6-8 months.” The team devised a three-pronged strategy: eliminating unused tables, revising their append-only tables approach, and methodically freeing up space from sizable tables. This strategy successfully reclaimed about 60TB of space.

featured in #452

How Instagram Scaled To 14 million Users With Only 3 Engineers

- Leonardo Creed tl;dr: Instagram scaled from 0 to 14 million users within a year (October 2010 to December 2011) with three engineers. The success was attributed to three guiding principles: simplicity, not reinventing the wheel and using proven technologies. The article provides a detailed walkthrough of the tech stack. Instagram relied on AWS, using EC2 and Ubuntu Linux, with the frontend developed in Objective-C. They utilized Amazon’s Elastic Load Balancer, Django for the backend, PostgreSQL for data storage, and Amazon S3 for photo storage, caching using Redis and Memcached.

featured in #449