Issue #331

5 July 2022

Issue #331
Friday 1st July issue is presented by Merge

Merge is the quickest way to add 100s of integrations to your app. Engineering teams at Ramp, TripActions, and Drata use Merge’s Unified API to add integrations in weeks and sync data continuously with one REST API. 
Write Simply, Change Effectively
- Paulo André
#Leadership #Management

tl;dr: "I’ll delve into how to write well in the context of driving effective organizational change that people do understand — and buy into." Clear writing should be intentional, emotional and empathetic. Paulo cites the SCARF framework as a tool to navigate the written document away from language that may feel threatening to those impacted by the organizational change.

#Leadership #Management
tl;dr: "Risk tolerance is the scarcest resource in most companies." This sets founder-led companies apart from founder-less companies. Founder-led companies tend to take more risks. Risk is also a function of company size and "distance" - "the further away a founder is from risky decisions, the more likely those decisions will be safe decisions," which has implications as to how a founder should perceive risk, and operate their company. 
Best Practices For Making API Calls At Scale
- David Donnelly
#Management #API #BestPractice

tl;dr: 3’s a crowd and 429’s a rate limit exceeded error. We explore best practices for making API calls at scale, the 4 most common ways rate limits are implemented, and a methodology for avoiding rate limits dynamically.

Promoted by Merge
The 7 Roles Of A CTO
- Oded Blayer
#Leadership #Management #CTO

tl;dr: The CTO is: (1) Not to “execute” but rather to define, describe, direct the company towards achieving its vision. (2) The technology face of the company, it is a symbolic role. (3) Sometimes a people manager. And more.

"Optimism is an occupational hazard of programming: feedback is the treatment."

- Kent Beck

16 Bell-Curve Opinions On Engineering
- Matt Rickard
#Management #CareerAdvice

tl;dr: (1) You should always use Kubernetes and other "correct" infrastructure. (2) Technical debt is bad and should be avoided at all costs. (3) We need to build an internal developer platform that abstracts cloud APIs away from our developers. And more. 

The Berkeley Crossword Solver

tl;dr: "The BCS uses a two-step process to solve crossword puzzles. First, it generates a probability distribution over possible answers to each clue using a question answering (QA) model; second, it uses probabilistic inference, combined with local search and a generative language model, to handle conflicts between proposed intersecting answers."

tl;dr: "This guide provides a detailed and comprehensive guide to multiprocessing in Python, including how processes work, how to use processes in multiprocessor programming, concurrency primitives used with processes, common questions, and best practices."
An Experiment To Test GitHub Copilot's Legality
- Rohan Kumar

tl;dr: "This post is satirical commentary on: (1) The absurdity of Microsoft and OpenAI’s legal justification for GitHub Copilot. (2) The oversimplifications people use to argue against GitHub Copilot. (3) The relationship between capital and legal outcomes. (4) How civil cases seem like sporting events where people “win” or “lose”, rather than opportunities to improve our understanding of law."
Notable GitHub Repos
The Algorithms - Rust
All Algorithms implemented in Rust.

Efficiently diff rows across two different databases.


Every Programmer Should Know
Collection of technical things every developer should know. 

TanStack Table
Headless UI for building powerful tables & datagrids.

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