/James Higginbotham

Overcoming Event-Driven Architecture Complexity With An Event Gateway tl;dr: EDA offers flexibility and scalability, but as your architecture grows, complexities arise. Message receivers struggle with filtering, third-party orchestration consumes developer time, and webhook integration becomes challenging. James explores how event gateways can address common scenarios that increase EDA complexity.

featured in #506

Event-Driven Architecture Fundamentals and Pitfalls (and How to Avoid Them) tl;dr: With over 20 years of API and microservices experience, James summarizes the fundamentals of event-driven architecture, including (1) message types: command, reply, and event (2) what constitutes a message, including body, headers, and network protocol (3) message interaction patterns such as request-reply, fire-and-follow-up, and fire-and-forget (4) event design patterns: event notifications, event-carried state transfer, using hypermedia links in events, and event batching. Throughout, he highlights common pitfalls and the best practices to avoid them. 

featured in #489