/Andreas Klinger

Quick Tips For Hiring Remotely tl;dr: Andreas discusses and addresses how we handles the 3 main issues when hiring remotely: (1) More people applying to job postings. (2) Team is in multiple locations. (3) Interviewing people with different cultural backgrounds.

featured in #318

How I Think About Code Management tl;dr: Split code management into 2 tasks: Reducing complexity & increasing confidence. (1) Reducing complexity so you have fewer parts and interconnections between them. Develop "concepts with better boundaries." (2) Increase confidence by streamlining. Minimize ways things can be done, make them obvious and make sure they work. Andreas explains light-weight processes to do both. 

featured in #305

Managing People tl;dr: "Your job is not to manage people, but to manage processes and lead people." The CTO at OnDeck provides advice on all management topics in short, bullet, form ranging from creating trust through transparency, avoiding "drive-by management," how to give feedback, and more.

featured in #290

Engineering Management For Early Stage Startups (2018) tl;dr: Former CTO at Product Hunt discussed what he learnt from 4 years as a manager at the company - (1) Treat your org like software (2) Treat people like capable adults (3) Every problem is ultimately your fault.

featured in #142