/Andy Vandervell

Measuring Product-Market Fit Is More Than Vibes tl;dr: Andy presents product-market fit (PMF), not as a magical occurrence, but as something measurable. Steps to measure PMF include tracking high-value events, creating an Ideal Customer Profile (ICP), launching PMF surveys, and monitoring retention. Andy underscores the importance of understanding the market and ensuring that paying customers align with the startup's ICP. 

featured in #461

Introducing HogQL: Direct SQL Access For PostHog tl;dr: “You can use HogQL expressions to, among other things, enhance insights, filter event lists, and write full queries to analyze data in any way you want.” The authors demonstrate the various things you can do with HogQL.

featured in #425

What We Learned About Hiring From Our First Five Employees tl;dr: The company founder shares the profiles of the first 5 company employees and key takeaway from each hire, including: (1) Test people out with paid work before you hire them full time. (2) Define your culture and your "ideal hires" from the start. (3) Go looking for great people in different places. And more.

featured in #356