/Gergely Orosz

The Biggest-Ever Global Outage: Lessons For Software Engineers tl;dr: “Cybersecurity vendor CrowdStrike shipped a routine rule definition change to all customers, and chaos followed as 8.5M machines crashed, worldwide. There are plenty of learnings for developers.”

featured in #535

What Is Old Is New Again tl;dr: “The past 18 months have seen major change reshape the tech industry. What does this mean for businesses, dev teams, and what will pragmatic software engineering approaches look like, in the future?”

featured in #531

What Do GenZ Software Engineers Really Think? tl;dr: “These days, most new grad software engineers belong to GenZ, having been born between 1997 and 2012... strap in as we dive into responses from the latest generation of tech talent, and find out what young professionals really think about modern workplaces and their more “experienced” colleagues!”

featured in #523

Getting An Engineering Executive Job tl;dr: Gergely covers the following from Will Larson’s book: (1) Deciding whether to pursue an executive role. (2) Why each executive job search is unique, and how that will shape your process. (3) Finding executive roles externally and internally. (4) Navigating the often chaotic executive interview process. (5) Negotiating an executive contract. (6) Deciding whether to accept an executive offer once you have it. 

featured in #513

Building Bluesky: a Distributed Social Network tl;dr: "Bluesky is built by around 10 engineers, and has amassed 5 million users since publicly launching in February this year. A deep dive into novel design decisions, moving off AWS, and more."

featured in #510

How Does ChatGPT Work? As Explained By The ChatGPT Team tl;dr: When you ask ChatGPT a question, several steps happen: (1) Input: We take your text from the text input. (2) Tokenization: We chunk it into tokens. A token roughly maps to a couple of unicode characters. You can think of it as a word. (3) Create embeddings: We turn each token into a vector of numbers. These are called embeddings. (4) Multiply embeddings by model weights: We then multiply these embeddings by hundreds of billions of model weights. (5) Sample a prediction. 

featured in #508

Scaling ChatGPT: Five Real-World Engineering Challenges tl;dr: An interview with Evan Morikawa, who led the OpenAI Applied Engineering team as ChatGPT launched and scaled. Evan reveals the five engineering challenges along with lessons learned. Challenges are: (1) KV Cache & GPU RAM. (2) Optimizing batch size. (3) Finding the right metrics to measure. (4) Finding GPUs wherever they are. (5) Inability to autoscale.  

featured in #491

Measuring Developer Productivity: Real-World Examples tl;dr: In this issue, Abi outlines the developer productivity metrics used at 17 tech companies, such as Amplitude, Etsy, DoorDash. He then dives deep into several companoes of varying size, notably Google & LinkedIn, Peloton, scaleups and smaller companies. Abi’s advice on how to choose your metrics: start with the problem you want to solve. Is it shipping frictionless, retaining developers by keeping them happy and satisfied, raising the quality of software shipped, or something else? Then work backwards from there. 

featured in #481

Holiday Season Gift Ideas For Techies tl;dr: "Holiday season is just around the corner, meaning it’s time to think about gifts – which can be a non-trivial challenge in itself. With so many choices, what are the best presents for people working in tech?" Gergely put together a list covering: (1) Books and creative thinking. (2) Gadgets and tinkering. (3) Wellbeing. (4) Office equipment. (5) Decor. (6) Toys for adults. (7) Board games. (8) Non-tech gifts. 

featured in #469

Lessons From Bootstrapped Companies Founded By Software Engineers tl;dr: “Bootstrapped companies tends to get little coverage across the media. This can be by design, as many of these companies prefer to fly under the radar, and focus on building a sustainable, profitable business, and don’t seek a bigger profile.” Gergely profiles five  companies, discussing: (1) Taking the leap to bootstrap a company. (2) Tech stack and engineering approaches. (3) Growing the company. (4) The contrast to working at a large company. (5) What works.

featured in #454