/Laura Tacho

Using Metrics To Measure Individual Developer Performance tl;dr: Laura reframes this into another question that leaders need to ask to evaluate reports: “what data are you going to use to evaluate my performance?” Her high level advice, which the article dives into: (1) Determine how you want to measure performance first, then find metrics to measure what's important to your company. (2) Focus on outcomes over output, using output metrics mainly to debug missed outcomes. (3) Watch out for metrics encouraging the wrong behaviors. (4) Metrics alone aren't enough - you still need active performance management and feedback. 

featured in #502

Using Metrics To Measure Individual Developer Performance tl;dr: Laura reframes this into another question that leaders need to ask to evaluate reports: “what data are you going to use to evaluate my performance?” Her high level advice, which the article dives into: (1) Determine how you want to measure performance first, then find metrics to measure what's important to your company. (2) Focus on outcomes over output, using output metrics mainly to debug missed outcomes. (3) Watch out for metrics encouraging the wrong behaviors. (4) Metrics alone aren't enough - you still need active performance management and feedback. 

featured in #501

Applying The SPACE Framework tl;dr: The SPACE Framework of Developer Productivity is a holistic approach to thinking about and measuring software developer productivity. The SPACE framework is not a list of metrics or benchmarks. Instead, it outlines five different dimensions of productivity that can inform your own definition of productivity, and by extension, your measurements: (1) Satisfaction and Well-being. (2) Performance. (3) Activity. (4) Communication and Collaboration. (5) Efficiency and Flow.

featured in #480