/Raviraj Achar

5 Non-Verbal Behaviors Killing Team Health tl;dr: Raviraj shares annoying non-verbal behaviors, how he avoids exhibiting them, and how to deal with them. These include: (1) Silent but Irritated - the person that rolls their eyes when they hear something “stupid” or exhales heavily when someone disagrees with them. (2) Annoying Interrupter - they appear eager to interrupt the speaker and can’t seem to wait for their turn. This behavior can be distracting when the speaker is trying to make their point. (3) Ever Confused - The person gives a puzzled look to everything you say but asks no follow-up questions.

featured in #506

7 Challenges With Long-Term Projects And How To Manage Them tl;dr: Raviraj, a tech lead from Meta, outlines his approach to the following: (1) Prioritizing hard problems. (2) Dealing with hidden work. (3) Managing attrition. (4) Staging the value. (5) Adapting to changing constraints. (6) Maintaining confidence and perception. (7) Having a concrete timeline.

featured in #474