/Sacha Greif

State Of JS 2022 tl;dr: "We saw a continuation of performance-lead innovations, many in reactivity and hydration (or the lack thereof). For example, Svelte took on simplicity in developer ergonomics and leaned into the compiler. Solid’s explored new approaches to reactivity, while Qwik shifted our mental model with resumability."  

featured in #381

Futuristic CSS tl;dr: Future CSS trends and takes a look at some far-fetched and futuristic CSS features that might one day make their way to the browses, such as CSS toggles, switch function, intrinsic typography. And more. 

featured in #363

The State Of JS 2020 tl;dr: "As the language itself keeps improving thanks to new features like Optional Chaining and Nullish Coalescing, TypeScript's widespread adoption is taking things to a whole other level by popularizing static typing."

featured in #222

The State of JavaScript 2019 tl;dr: With over 21,717 respondents this survey is both a dive into various JS frameworks and a state of the union on how the community feels about the language and where it's heading. 

featured in #167

The State of JavaScript tl;dr: Link to the annual survey, to find out "which libraries developers want to learn next, which have the best satisfaction ratings, and much more."

featured in #164