/Distributed System

The Internet Was Designed With A Narrow Waist

- Andy Chu tl;dr: A narrow waist is concept, interface, or protocol that solves an interoperability problem. Picture an hourglass with M things on one side, N on the other, and an important concept in the middle. Andy illustrates how IP is an example, and how that impacts internet architecture. 

featured in #299

Caches, Modes, And Unstable Systems

- Marc Brooker tl;dr: "Good caches have feedback loops. Like back pressure, and limited concurrency. Bad caches are typically open-loop. This starts to give us a hint about how we may use caches safely, and points to some of the safe patterns for distributed systems caching."

featured in #250

Edgar: Solving Mysteries Faster With Observability

- Elizabeth Carretto tl;dr: "Edgar helps Netflix teams troubleshoot distributed systems efficiently with the help of a summarized presentation of request tracing, logs, analysis, and metadata." A run through of how it works.

featured in #204

Patterns Of Distributed Systems

- Unmesh Joshi tl;dr: "What follows is a first set of patterns observed in mainstream open source distributed systems. I hope that these set of patterns will be useful to all developers."

featured in #199

Build More Reliable Distributed Systems By Breaking Them With Jepsen 

- Kyle Kingsbury tl;dr: Podcast where Kyle discusses his "approach to testing complex systems, common challenges that are faced by engineers who build them, and why it is important to understand their limitations."

featured in #196