/Nicola Ballotta

Should You Stay Technical As An Engineering Manager? tl;dr: Dedicating 20% of weekly time to technical activities to stay technical is a good balance. Suggested activities to stay technical are: (1) Joining technical meetings to stay up-to-date and engaged with the team. (2) Contributing to documentation to solidify understanding. (3) Building internal tools to maintain coding skills and create resources. (4) Presenting team projects to understand and simplify technical concepts. (5) Participating in code reviews to stay connected with the codebase. (6) Continuous learning through tech talks, conferences, online courses.

featured in #487

Demystifying Project Estimation tl;dr: “Estimating a project or the latest feature you aim to deliver holds incredible value, not only for the business your team serves but also for you and your team. In fact, estimations bring clarity and alignment, which are crucial for delivering quickly and with minimal stress.” The article covers the purposes and challenges of estimation, and gives practical examples and tips. 

featured in #481

How to Write Great Tech Specs tl;dr: Nicola covers: (1) What a tech specs document is, why it's important, and why it can sometimes be challenging to create one. (2) How to create outstanding tech specs. (3) A Notion system for creating tech specs. (4) Tips from both his own experience as well as the communities.

featured in #476

Organize Your Week As An Engineering Manager tl;dr: "What should my week look like, and what exactly should I be doing?" This question is particularly pertinent for those who have transitioned from a developer role, where their schedule was often tightly structured and well-defined. In this essay, I aim not only to provide answers to these questions but also to guide you through the process of creating a weekly calendar that reflects the typical responsibilities of an EM."

featured in #462