/Phil Andrews

Custom Kube-Scheduler: Why And How to Set it Up in Kubernetes tl;dr: Sometimes the default Kubernetes scheduler isn't sufficient for your Pod's needs. Dive into comprehensive guide on establishing a custom Kubernetes scheduler, centered on the 'MostAllocated' strategy for those unique scenarios. Learn the ins and outs of crafting a configuration file, deploying your custom scheduler, and effectively scheduling Pods, complete with essential troubleshooting tips.

featured in #473

The Rise And Fall Of Spot Instance Pricing In 2023 tl;dr: Dive into our latest deep-dive on spot instance pricing trends over the past year. Azure's prices skyrocketed by 108%, while GCP surprised everyone with a 26% drop. AWS? Somewhere in between. Discover the regions and instance types that saw the most dramatic shifts and learn how our game-changing "scheduled rebalancing" tool can save you big bucks in this ever-evolving cloud pricing arena. Don't miss out on these crucial insights – perfect for refining your cloud strategy.

featured in #456