/Justin Joyce

Git Commit And Commit Message Best Practices tl;dr: Justin shares best practices for git commits and commit messages. Commit best practices include: (1) Commit often: Save work at incremental steps. (2) Keep commits self-contained: Ensure each commit represents a distinct piece of work. (3) Keep commits small: Commit frequently to maintain smaller changes. For commit messages: (1) Keep messages short: Aim for a one-liner, ideally under 70 characters. (2) Be descriptive yet concise: Summarize the commit's essence succinctly. (3) Be specific: Clearly indicate the nature and location of the change.The author emphasizes clarity and specificity over strict adherence to tense or voice in messages.

featured in #456

Git Log Customization tl;dr: Justin explains how to customize the git log command to make its output more concise and informative. The article introduces the --oneline option for a condensed view. However, this omits details like the author, date, and associated branch. To visualize branches, the --graph option is introduced. The article focuses on custom log formatting using the --pretty option. Justin shares a personal git log format, which includes the commit hash, message, relative date, and author's name, each with distinct color coding.

featured in #442

Git Tips And Tricks tl;dr: Topics covered include Git aliases for simplifying common commands, using the .gitconfig file for default settings, the --stat flag for an overview of changes, Git stash for managing changes without committing, rebasing techniques, amending commits, cherry-picking commits from one branch to another, and resetting commits. The author shares personal insights and examples, aiming to make daily Git usage more efficient.

featured in #441

Developer Workflow Tips No One Tells You About tl;dr: “These are the tools, tips and advice I wish I had internalized when I was just starting out. Many of the details below are specific to macOS, but similar tips and tricks apply on other systems. I've broken it down very roughly into the following categories: (1) Computer setup. (2) Command-line-related things. (3) Technical but non-CS advice. (4) Potpourri.

featured in #432