featured in #543
Advanced Terminal Tips And Tricks
- Daniel Kleinstein tl;dr: “I wanted to share some things I learned at relatively late stages in the game that ended up being significant productivity boosters for me: (1) Use command line editing. (2) tmux scripting. (3) Use fzf liberally in custom scripts. (4) Use /dev/stdin as a replacement for heredocs. (5) Use SSH multiplexing.featured in #534
Entering Text In The Terminal Is Complicated
- Julia Evans tl;dr: Julia asked her network what was confusing about working in the terminal, and one thing that stood out to me was “editing a command you already typed in”. Julia shares why this is hard and some tips she’s picked up along the way.featured in #531
Writing Tips for Improving Your Pull Requests
- Jeff Mueller tl;dr: “I’m going to show you how to purposely write less by using the techniques below.” Tips are: (1) Make it scannable. (2) Speak plainly. (3) Avoid adverbs. (4) Simplify your sentences. (5) Avoid a passive voice. Jeff adds examples to each.featured in #530
Six Tips To Improve a Conversion Funnel
- Ryan Musser tl;dr: (1) Identify the friction. (2) Streamline. (3) A/B test your solution. (4) Personalize, where you can. (5) Build trust, when you can. (6). Track everything.featured in #529
Developer Workflow Tips No One Tells You About
- Justin Joyce tl;dr: “These are the tools, tips and advice I wish I had internalized when I was just starting out. Many of the details below are specific to macOS, but similar tips and tricks apply on other systems. I've broken it down very roughly into the following categories: (1) Computer setup. (2) Command-line-related things. (3) Technical but non-CS advice. (4) Potpourri.featured in #529
Developer Workflow Tips No One Tells You About
- Justin Joyce tl;dr: “These are the tools, tips and advice I wish I had internalized when I was just starting out. Many of the details below are specific to macOS, but similar tips and tricks apply on other systems. I've broken it down very roughly into the following categories: (1) Computer setup. (2) Command-line-related things. (3) Technical but non-CS advice. (4) Potpourri.featured in #528
I Finally Figured Out How To Take Notes!
- Sam Rose tl;dr: “I had some requirements in mind: (1) I want to tag notes, track things like date, who was there, what the key topics were, and be able to search based on tags. (2) Create action items, and be able to ask “what action items have I not yet done?” (3) It has to be super easy. I want to be able to jump into a meeting and have my meeting notes ready to go.”featured in #528
I Finally Figured Out How To Take Notes!
- Sam Rose tl;dr: “I had some requirements in mind: (1) I want to tag notes, track things like date, who was there, what the key topics were, and be able to search based on tags. (2) Create action items, and be able to ask “what action items have I not yet done?” (3) It has to be super easy. I want to be able to jump into a meeting and have my meeting notes ready to go.”featured in #527
featured in #521