/Lior Neu-ner

A Software Engineer's Guide To A/B Testing tl;dr: This guide provides an introduction to A/B testing for software engineers. It explains the basics of A/B testing, including how to devise, implement, monitor and analyze tests, and answers common questions about A/B testing. The guide also lists conditions under which you may want to avoid A/B testing, such as lack of traffic, high implementation costs, and ethical considerations. The post concludes with a launch checklist for A/B tests.

featured in #434

When And How To Run Group-Targeted A/B Tests tl;dr: Tests are run when one user interaction with your product impacts how others use it. “Suppose Slack wants to improve the usage of a new video calling feature. Improving the feature's discoverability for a single user will increase their own usage with it, but since they use it with their coworkers, their coworkers will also discover it.”

featured in #421

8 Annoying A/B Testing Mistakes Every Engineer Should Know tl;dr: (1) Including unaffected users in your experiment. (2) Only viewing results in aggregate (aka Simpson's paradox). (3) Conducting an experiment without a predetermined duration. Lior discusses these and 5 more anti-patterns.

featured in #416