/Zach Zaro

Measuring Engineering Velocity On A Software Team tl;dr: Zach Zaro, CEO and cofounder of Coherence, reviews the history and state of the art of velocity. Measuring engineering velocity is a valuable exercise for software teams aiming to improve their processes and deliver value consistently. By understanding its nuances and potential pitfalls, teams can use velocity as a tool for growth and continuous improvement rather than a blunt instrument of judgment.

featured in #479

The 9 Principles Of The Perfect Startup Engineering Stack tl;dr: Zach Zaro, CEO and cofounder of Coherence, outlines the 9 principles of the perfect startup engineering stack. “A well-chosen set of developer tools can be the key to moving quickly. The ideal stack should be easy to set up, affordable, and integrate services that your team already knows and trusts.”

featured in #402