
Advanced Terminal Tips And Tricks

- Daniel Kleinstein tl;dr: “I wanted to share some things I learned at relatively late stages in the game that ended up being significant productivity boosters for me: (1) Use command line editing. (2) tmux scripting. (3) Use fzf liberally in custom scripts. (4) Use /dev/stdin as a replacement for heredocs. (5) Use SSH multiplexing.

featured in #534

Did You Know About Instruments?

- Thorsten Ball tl;dr: “For the longest time, I thought Instruments on macOS wasn’t for me. Whenever I saw its icon show up in the /Applications folder or pop up in a launcher, I assumed it’s part of Xcode and Xcode is an IDE for Objective-C and Swift programmers and that’s not what I do and that’s why Instruments isn’t for me. I was wrong.” Thorsten discusses how he uses Instruments as a productivity tool with anything. 

featured in #534

Six Tips To Improve a Conversion Funnel

- Ryan Musser tl;dr: (1) Identify the friction. (2) Streamline. (3) A/B test your solution. (4) Personalize, where you can. (5) Build trust, when you can. (6). Track everything.

featured in #529

How To Build Anything Extremely Quickly

tl;dr: (1) Make an outline of the project. (2) For each item in the outline, make an outline. Do this recursively until the items are small. (3) Fill in each item as fast as possible. Do not perfect as you go. This is a huge and common mistake. (4) Finally, once completely done, go back and perfect. 

featured in #523

How To Build Anything Extremely Quickly

tl;dr: (1) Make an outline of the project. (2) For each item in the outline, make an outline. Do this recursively until the items are small. (3) Fill in each item as fast as possible. Do not perfect as you go. This is a huge and common mistake. (4) Finally, once completely done, go back and perfect. 

featured in #522

How Developers Really Use AI

tl;dr: How much are programmers really using AI? How useful is it actually? We wanted to know for sure. We surveyed software developers to uncover the real impact of LLMs like ChatGPT on their work. From debugging to project planning, the responses revealed surprising strengths and notable gaps. Check out our findings to see where AI shines and where it still falls short.

featured in #521

Did GitHub Copilot Really Increase My Productivity?

- Yuxuan Shui tl;dr: “I had free access to GitHub Copilot for about a year, I used it, got used to it, and slowly started to take it for granted, until one day it was taken away. I had to re-adapt to a life without Copilot, but it also gave me a chance to look back at how I used Copilot, and reflect - had Copilot actually been helpful to me?”

featured in #513

How I Setup My Terminal For Max Productivity

- Jordan Cutler tl;dr: Jordan discusses his terminal setup and shares daily commands across the following categories: (1) Terminal app, shell, and plugin manager. (2) Theming. (3) Best terminal plugins. (4) Aliases and history config. (5) Command line utilities to install. 

featured in #506

Notes On How To Use LLMs In Your Product

- Will Larson tl;dr: “I’ve been working fairly directly on meaningful applicability of LLMs to existing products for the last year, and wanted to type up some semi-disorganized notes. These notes are in no particular order, with an intended audience of industry folks building products.” Will discusses opportunities re-configuration, combining LLMs with unsophisticated algorithms to retrieve data. And more.

featured in #505

Developing Rapidly With Generative AI

- Shannon Phu tl;dr: From the engineering team at Discord: “We break down the process of building with LLMs into a few stages. Starting with product ideation and defining requirements, we first need to figure out what we’re building and how it can benefit users. Next, we develop a prototype of our idea, learn from small-scale experiments, and repeat that process until our feature is in a good state. Finally, we fully launch and deploy our product at scale. In this post, we will dive deeper into each stage of this process.”

featured in #505