/Open Source

5 Tips For Making Documentation A Priority In Open Source Projects

- Sofia Wallin Ray Paik tl;dr: (1) Value contributions to documentation just as much as code contributions. (2) Put documentation and code in the same project repo. (3) Make documentation a requirement for a merge or release milestone, and more.

featured in #199

GitHub Archive Program: The Journey Of The World’s Open Source Code To The Arctic

- Julia Metcalf tl;dr: Julia updates us on GitHub's Archive Program - storing open source code in the Arctic Circle.

featured in #193

Keynote: Linus Torvalds In Conversation With Dirk Hohndel (Video)

tl;dr: Dirk Hohndel, VP & Chief Open Source Officer at VMware, interviews Linus. Discussions on trends and challenges, including the issues around finding OS maintainers.

featured in #190

Dos And Don'ts In Open Source

- Olafur Pall Geirsson tl;dr: Ólafur is a prolific contributor to OS. He tries to avoid unproductive discussions and focus on work. He outlines his dos and don'ts, applicable to both maintainers and contributors. 

featured in #177

Open Source Licenses: 2019 Year In Review

- Luis Villa tl;dr: Luis outlines key trends in OS including (1) growth in China (2) shifts within the main OS organizations (3) push for ethical licenses and more.

featured in #173

My FOSS Story

- Andrew Gallant tl;dr: An insight into the negative emotions, pressures and economic issues faced by a FOSS maintainer. 

featured in #170

Open Source Migrates With Emotional Distress

- Armin Ronacher tl;dr: Armin wants a post-mortem on how the transition to Python 3 has been handled. There's a lack of transparency as to why the transition is needed. He feels like he's being "sold" and forced into migrating when, in fact, there are other reasons this migration is needed. 

featured in #167

Software Developers Should Avoid Traumatic Changes

- Drew DeVault tl;dr: Two types of changes in open source software inflict trauma on communities. A change where everyone has to overhaul their code to get it to work again, or a change to get code idiomatic again. Drew shows examples of both of these in the Python community.

featured in #163

The Mind Behind Linux (2016 Video)

tl;dr: Fascinating conversation about the inception of Linux and Git, and the man behind them. The initial community involved in Linux was critical. Git was a result of managing Linux's growth. Both projects were to solve Linus' immediate needs. 

featured in #162

GitHub Arctic Code Vault (Video)

tl;dr: In order to preserve the open source code we are highly dependent on, GitHub has built a vault in the Arctic where all Open Source code will be stored. You can read more about it here. 

featured in #162