Tuesday 30th July’s issue is presented by AssemblyAI |
Scope? Hmm — James Stanier
tl;dr: “I think that a healthier way to encapsulate speed, scope and quality is thoroughness. Thoroughness is about how much you're willing to explore the problem domain, how much you're willing to experiment versus build resilient systems, and how long what you're going to build is intended to last.” James discusses how to manage thoroughness as a new dimension.
Leadership Management |
Categories Of Leadership On Technical Teams — Ben Kuhn
tl;dr: “Recently I’ve been having a lot of conversations about how to structure and staff teams. One framework I’ve referenced repeatedly is to break down team leadership into a few different categories of responsibility.” Ben shares what these are and why he finds it useful.
Leadership Management |
Responsible Slack — Kent Beck tl;dr: “If you are preparing a schedule, build in slack. If you are depending on a schedule, identify the slack before passing on the commitment. If you are reviewing a schedule, ask where the slack lives. If there isn’t any, ask what happens if an appropriate amount of slack is added. If the consequences of slack aren’t acceptable, either cut scope or get over it.”
Leadership Management |
"The question of whether a computer can think is no more interesting than the question of whether a submarine can swim."
— Edsger Dijkstra
How To (And How Not To) Design REST APIs — Jeff Schnitzer
tl;dr: "In my career, I have consumed hundreds of REST APIs and produced dozens. Since I often see the same mistakes repeated in API design, I thought it might be nice to write down a set of best practices. And poke fun at a couple widely-used APIs. Much of this may be "duh", but there might be a few rules you haven't considered yet."
API BestPractices |
Build A Modern Authenticated Chat Application With Next.js — Alex Booker tl;dr: Learn how to build a modern, authenticated chat application using Next.js, Ably, and Clerk. This comprehensive guide covers everything from setting up real-time messaging and user authentication to implementing roles and message history.
Promoted by Clerk Guide |
Meet Chrono, Our Scalable, Consistent, Metadata Caching Solution tl;dr: From the team at Dropbox, “If we wanted to solve our high-volume read QPS problem while upholding our clients’ expectation of read consistency, traditional caching solutions would not work. We needed to find a scalable, consistent caching solution to solve both problems at once. This article discusses Chrono, a scalable, consistent caching system built on top of Dropbox’s key-value storage system.“
Architecture Cache |
Parse, Don’t Validate — Alexis King tl;dr: “Historically, I’ve struggled to find a concise, simple way to explain what it means to practice type-driven design. Too often, when someone asks me “How did you come up with this approach?” I find I can’t give them a satisfying answer. I know it didn’t just come to me in a vision—I have an iterative design process that doesn’t require plucking the “right” approach out of thin air—yet I haven’t been very successful in communicating that process to others.”
BestPractices |
The Many Lives Of Null Island — Alan McConchie tl;dr: “At risk of ruining the secret for you, Null Island is a long-running inside joke among cartographers. It is an imaginary island located at a real place: the coordinates of 0º latitude and 0º longitude, a location in the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Africa where the Prime Meridian meets the Equator, hundreds of miles from any real dry land.”
Entertaining |
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Chartbrew: Live reporting dashboards from APIs.
Diagrams: Prototype cloud system architecture.
Ky: Tiny JS HTTP client.
Opslane: Makes on-call experience less stressful.
Sgrep: Grep for similar words to the query.
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