Friday 31st May’s issue is presented by Swarmia |
How Webflow, WeTransfer, and Honeycomb Boost Developer Productivity
Swarmia gives modern engineering organizations the visibility they need to ship better software faster.
From strategic initiatives to DORA metrics and from engineering surveys to Slack notifications, Swarmia gives you all the tools you need to continuously improve developer productivity and experience.
Try Swarmia with a free 14-day trial or schedule a demo with one of our product experts. |
Unexpected Anti-Patterns For Engineering Leaders — Lessons From Stripe, Uber & Carta — Will Larson
tl;dr: “Anytime you apply a rule too universally, it turns into an anti-pattern.” The key to effective engineering leadership, Larson argues, lies in figuring out which scenarios are worth deliberately defying conventional logic, and when to simply follow the rules. “ Will discusses his tonics for the following anti-patterns: (1) Shying away from micromanagement. (2) Pushing back on flawed metrics. (3) Serving as the umbrella for your team.
Leadership Management |
Inbox Ten — Andrew Bosworth
tl;dr: CTO at Meta, discusses his approach to managing communication with his teams... “For those who are curious, my system is Inbox Ten. That means I aim to end every day with fewer than ten emails in my inbox. I also have fewer than ten open chat threads across all interfaces. I’ve also read all relevant notifications in internal tools, read all relevant posts in internal groups I care about, and started rough drafts of any relevant proactive communications I intend to produce.”
CareerAdvice |
Build: A New Book For Engineering Leaders — Rebecca Murphey, Otto Hilska
tl;dr: Our new book, Build: Elements of an Effective Software Organization, is a blueprint for continuous improvement. It zeroes in on three key ingredients: a relentless focus on business outcomes, actionable insights to boost the productivity of your software teams, and a thoughtful approach to improving the experience of building software at your company. Read it online for free.
Promoted by Swarmia Books |
Using A Dev Diary Seems To Be Worthwhile — Mike Hogan tl;dr: “An experiment for devs to try. I started keeping a "dev diary". It was prompted by a statement by Stuart Ervine when I asked how others keep broader context of decisions behind code that are not visible in code, tests or comments. He said that at Apple, developers on teams keep diaries, and each team member can browser what others are thinking.” Mike shares his diary.
CareerAdvice |
"If you never fail, your aren't trying hard enough"
— Bjarne Stroustrup
Database Design For Google Calendar: A Tutorial — Alexey Makhotkin
tl;dr: “In this database design tutorial I’m going to show how to design the database tables for a real-world project of substantial complexity. We’ll design a clone of Google Calendar. We will model as much as possible of the functionality that is directly related to the calendar.”
Database |
Cache Locality, Your Sneaky Performance Culprit — Dr. Panos Patros tl;dr: When you know you’ve written efficient code but performance is still laggy, the answer might lie in cache locality. Go into the nitty-gritty of how data is accessed, how to optimize memory usage, and perhaps how to get some major speed gains. Explore not only how but also why these techniques can be critical to responsiveness and efficiency.
Promoted by Raygun Performance Cache |
Don't DRY Your Code Prematurely — Dan Maksimovich tl;dr: “Many of us have been told the virtues of “Don’t Repeat Yourself” or DRY. Pause and consider: Is the duplication truly redundant or will the functionality need to evolve independently over time? Applying DRY principles too rigidly leads to premature abstractions that make future changes more complex than necessary.”
BestPractices |
How Does AI Impact My Job As A Programmer? — Chelsea Troy tl;dr: “It’s how human programmers, increasingly, add value. Figure out why the code we already have isn’t doing the thing, or is doing the weird thing, and how to bring the code more into line with the things we want it to do. Chelsea argues that this “conveniently comprises most of the job these days: read code. Analyze it. Understand it. Repair it.”
CareerAdvice |
Queueing — Sam Rose tl;dr: “In this post, we're going to explore queueing in the context of HTTP requests. We'll start simple and gradually introduce more complex queues. When you're finished with this post, you will know: (1) Why queues are useful. (2) 3 different types of queue. (3) How these 3 queues compare to each other. (4) 1 extra queueing strategy you can apply to any type of queue to make sure you don't drop priority requests.”
Queue |
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LlamaFS: A self-organizing file system with llama 3.
Namviek: OS project manager for small teams.
Openkoda: OS business application platform for fast development.
Tantivy: Full-text search engine library.
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