/Ted Neward

2024 Tech Predictions tl;dr: I'm including a probability score with each one, in much the same way intelligence officials do in their assessment reports, to give you a sense of how confident I am in the prediction: (1) Hiring will open up. (2) WebAssembly will gain more traction. (3) Generative AI will lose its luster. (4) We will begin to disambiguate between generative AI and large language models. (5) Custom AI models will begin to gain traction. (6) New and interesting languages will begin to make waves. (7) Cracks in the "full-stack developer" facade will grow. (8) AR/VR will start showing glimmers of life. And more.

featured in #477

You Want Modules, Not Microservices tl;dr: Ted dissecting the concept of a microservice to “get to the real root of what's going on” arguing there's a mis-match between its promise and what it actually delivers.

featured in #402