
Watch Transitions in Slow Motion in Chrome’s DevTools

- Jim Nielsen tl;dr: “The animations panel lets you slow down the animations happening in the browser so you watch them play out at much slower speeds and troubleshoot the mechanics of the animation.”

featured in #420

Modern Web Debugging In Chrome DevTools

- Bramus Van Damme Victor Porof tl;dr: "As an author, you want to see and debug the code that you wrote, not the deployed code. To make up for it, you can now have the tree show the authored code instead. This makes the tree more closely resemble source files you get to see in your IDE, and these files are now separated from the deployed code." The authors discuss how this works and other additions to Chrome's DevTools. 

featured in #348

What's New In DevTools

- Jecelyn Yeen tl;dr: (1) Use DevTools in your preferred language. (2) New Nest Hub devices in the Device list. (3) New CSS container queries badge, and more.

featured in #248

How Do Chrome Extensions Impact Browser Performance?

- Matt Zeunert tl;dr: "This report investigates how 1000 of the most popular Chrome extensions impact browser performance and end-user experience." Key findings: (1) Extensions like Honey, Evernote Web Clipper, and Avira Browser Safety can have a significant negative impact on website speed." (2) On ad-heavy websites, ad blockers and privacy tools can greatly improve performance.

featured in #242

Google’s Unfair Performance Advantage In Chrome

- Daniel Aleksandersen tl;dr: Daniel took a look at the Chromium source code and found a feature that gives Google's Search "an 80% head start" in delivering search results compared to competitors on Android.

featured in #237

Chrome Dev Summit 2020

tl;dr: "Chrome Dev Summit is back with its 8th chapter, but this time we’re coming to you. We’re bringing all the latest updates, just as much content, and many more Chromies."

featured in #211

Hidden Features Of Chrome DevTools

- Martin Heinz tl;dr: "Here are a few hidden or lesser known features of Chrome DevTools which you should know about."

featured in #209

Giving Users And Developers More Control Over Focus

tl;dr: Two new features that improve both the user and developer experience when it comes to working with focus - the :focus-visible CSS selector and Quick Focus Highlight user preference.

featured in #204

Using The Chrome UX Report API

- Rick Viscomi Shane Exterkamp tl;dr: "Learn how to use the Chrome UX Report API to get easy, RESTful access to real-user experience data across millions of websites."

featured in #189

Chrome Phasing Out Support For User Agent

- Guy Nesher tl;dr: "Google announced its decision to drop support for the User-Agent string in its Chrome browser. Instead, Chrome will offer a new API called Client Hints that will give the user greater control over which information is shared with websites."

featured in #178