
How To Tool For Developer Productivity

- Kathryn Koehler tl;dr: Director of Developer Productivity Engineering at Netflix shares what kind of tooling you should focus on building, whether you should build or buy your tooling, and how to measure the success of your tooling in developer satisfaction and productivity.

featured in #345

On Workplace Productivity

- Nicole Forsgren tl;dr: A holistic framework for productivity can be summarized by the acronym SPACE: (1) Satisfaction and well-being. (2) Performance. (3) Activity. (4) Communication and collaboration. (5) Efficiency. Nicole provides 3 insights: Finding flow is key and interruptions are a drag, meetings are both awesome and terrible, and a two-minute daily reflection can help improve your days. 

featured in #345

Automate Pull Request Labels Based On Changed Files With Actions

- Lloyd Atkinson tl;dr: "That’s a lot of functionality that can be built with labels. As an example, I’ll show how to add labels automatically depending on which area of a codebase has changed. This is what I use in every project I work on as it allows maintainers oversight and awareness of the impacts of changes. It does not depend on the language or types of files - it’s based on the git diff and paths."

featured in #340

State Of Engineering Time 2022

tl;dr: The Stack Overflow memes are true: 60% of senior engineers commit 10-100 lines/week of copied and pasted code. And there is more: read the report to learn how 600 engineers (ICs and managers) spend time, from wrangling machines to wrangling people.

featured in #327

Data And System Visualization Tools That Will Boost Your Productivity

- Martin Heinz tl;dr: "As files, datasets and configurations grow, it gets increasingly difficult to navigate them. There are however many tools out there, that can help you to be more productive when dealing with large JSON and YAML files, complicated regular expressions, confusing SQL database relationships, complex development environments and many others."

featured in #327

The Fallacy Of Splitting Time

- Ben Northrop tl;dr: "There are two projects, both deemed important by the business, and both need a UI developer. Unfortunately, only one UI developer is available. Why not let the UI developer split time across both projects?" Ben explains why this doesn't work using the equation: Productive Time = Total Time - Overhead.

featured in #326

State Of Engineering Time 2022

tl;dr: The Stack Overflow memes are true: 60% of senior engineers commit 10-100 lines/week of copied and pasted code. And there is more: read the report to learn how 600 engineers (ICs and managers) spend time, from wrangling machines to wrangling people.

featured in #321

State Of Engineering Time 2022

tl;dr: The Stack Overflow memes are true: 60% of senior engineers commit 10-100 lines/week of copied and pasted code. And there is more: read the report to learn how 600 engineers (ICs and managers) spend time, from wrangling machines to wrangling people.

featured in #320

I Miss Heroku's DevEx

- Christine Dodrill tl;dr: "If I didn't have something like Heroku in my life I doubt that my career would be the same or even I would be the same person I am today. It's really hard to describe what having access to a platform that lets you turn ideas into production quality code does to your output ability. " The author also worked on the product at Salesforce. "I ended up working there and when I did I understood why Heroku had fallen so much."

featured in #317

You Can Automate More Than You Think

- Hillel Wayne tl;dr: "I don’t need to burn any of my limited focus on something menial anymore. It matters even more when automating something I don’t know by heart, like my Zoom URL or my EIN. Then it takes focus to find it ;and then copy it over."

featured in #308