
Solving The Three Stooges Problem

- Rajiv Shah tl;dr: "In this blog post, we’ll talk about how traffic to Reddit’s search infrastructure is reminiscent of The Three Stooges’ doorway sketch, and we’ll outline our approach to remediate these request patterns. We’ll walk through our methodology step-by-step, and we hope that you’ll use it to make your own microservice boundary doorways more resilient to rowdy slapstick traffic."

featured in #238

Let's Build A Full-Text Search Engine

- Artem Krylysov tl;dr: "By the end of this post, we'll be able to search across millions of documents in less than a millisecond. We'll start with simple search queries like "give me all documents that contain the word cat.""

featured in #197

How To Implement Search By Color When All You Have Is A Good Coffee

- Mike Alche tl;dr: How search was implemented on a Next.JS app using PostgreSQL and third party library called "color thief."

featured in #188

Announcing Mobile First Indexing For The Whole Web

- John Mueller tl;dr: Google will be switching to mobile-first indexing for all websites starting September 2020. 

featured in #176

Building A Search Engine From Scratch

tl;dr: With privacy protection and Google's lack of competition as inspiration, the team at Cliqz runs through the approach they've taken to build their own search engine.

featured in #166