Issue #436

4 August 2023

Issue #436

Friday 4th August’s issue is presented by Influxdata

InfluxDB: A High-Performance Time Series DB For Your Real-Time Analytics Needs

Manage high volumes of time series data, reduce complexity in data pipeline architectures, and scale storage based on workload. Trusted by engineering managers for its superior data compression and low latency queries.

Manage Your Priorities And Energy

— Will Larson

tl;dr: Will reflect on his shift from a 'company, team, self' framework to an eventual ‘quid pro quo' approach during his management tenure at Uber. His ‘quid pro quo' approach is: (1) Generally, prioritize company and team priorities over your own. (2) If you are getting de-energized, artificially prioritize some energizing work. Increase the quantity until equilibrium is restored. (3) If the long-term balance between energy and proper priorities can’t be balanced for more than a year, stop everything else and work on solving this issue e.g. change your role or quit. Will emphasizes the importance of remaining flexible and curious.

Leadership Management CareerAdvice

Throw Away Your First Draft Of Your Code

— Nicole Tietz-Sokolskaya

tl;dr: Software teams should prototype or create a "first draft" of code for new features and then discard it. Prototyping allows teams to anticipate issues and understand the full complexity of a new feature. Despite seeming wasteful, this approach actually saves time by preventing unforeseen problems during the development process. However, it's essential to discard the prototype code to keep the process efficient and the codebase clean.



A Strategic Approach To Replacing Data Historians

— Jason Myers

tl;dr: Transitioning from legacy data historians to modern technologies in IoT / OT stacks can be achieved strategically. This involves automating manual processes, managing changes in legacy technology, and considering new tools during equipment upgrades and operational growth. Start small, scale sensibly.

Promoted by Influxdata

Management Database

Stopping At 90%

— Austin Henley

tl;dr: It’s common to stop at 90% of a project’s completion since the project has concrete deliverables that can be measured. The remaining 10% is more difficult to track. Austin discusses common activities to get from 90% to 100%: (1) Present the work to other teams. (2) Broadcast an email with the takeaways so that the rest of your organization knows about it. (3) Put the code somewhere that your coworkers can make use of later. (4) Write a blog post about it. Post it on Twitter, HN, and Reddit. (5) Sketch out a next-steps document, even if you have no plans to continue, that explains what you would do next and why. (6) Look for adjacent projects that could benefit. (7) Find someone that can poke holes in your work, then go address them.


"You don't have to hold a position in order to be a leader."

- Henry Ford

Building And Operating A Pretty Big Storage System Called S3

— Werner Vogels

tl;dr: A repost of an article by Andy Warfield, VP of S3, reflects on the vast complexity and operational scale of Amazon's storage software system. Andy discusses the significance of recognizing and mitigating organizational scaling issues, similar to optimizing systems. He also discusses management’s approach to foster team ownership for problem-solving instead of dispensing solutions has led to more engaged and successful engineering outcomes.

Management Scale Amazon

The 10 Types of Authorization

— Graham Neray

tl;dr: The authorization abstractions of RBAC, ABAC and ReBAC don't do enough to provide engineers with the level of detail they require to solve the needs of your application. Learn about the 10 types of authorization and go a level deeper than the standard definitions of RBAC, ABAC and ReBAC.

Promoted by Oso

Guide Management

What Is A Senior Software Engineer At Wise And Amazon?

— Gergely Orosz

tl;dr: Gergely delves into senior software engineer roles at Wise and Amazon. At Wise, senior engineers lead significant projects, contribute to feature planning, and require good communication and problem-solving skills. At Amazon, the equivalent role deals with ambiguity, leads projects, communicates technical ideas efficiently, and ensures that the team's success doesn't solely rely on them. While definitions of 'senior' vary across the two companies, clear expectations across companies include project leadership, problem-solving skills, and effective communication.

CareerAdvice Compensation

Shamir Secret Sharing

— Max Levchin

tl;dr: “This is the story of a catastrophic software bug I briefly introduced into the PayPal codebase that almost cost us the company (or so it seemed, in the moment.) I’ve told this story a handful of times, always swearing the listeners to secrecy, and surprisingly it does not appear to have ever been written down before. 20+ years since the incident, it now appears instructive and a little funny, rather than merely extremely embarrassing.”

Entertaining Security

Unicode Is Harder Than You Think

— Marco Cilloni

tl;dr: “This article attempts to briefly summarize and clarify some of the most common misconceptions I’ve seen people struggle with, and some of the pitfalls that tend to recur in codebases that have to deal with non-ASCII text.”


Notable GitHub Repos

Dify: Interface for prompt engineering & visual operation.

Fusio: OS API management platform.

Preevy: Deploy preview environments to the cloud.

Reflex: Web apps in pure Python.

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