Friday 15th December’s issue is presented by Cast AI |
Engineers, Reduce Your Kubernetes Costs By Half
CAST AI is an all-in-one Kubernetes cost optimization and automation platform that achieves over 60% average compute cost savings without months of onboarding.
You get lightning-fast autoscaling, downscaling, spot VMs support, and more with no hit to performance. |
How to Take Bigger, Bolder Product Bets — Lessons from Slack’s Chief Product Officer — Noah Desai Weiss
tl;dr: Noah emphasizes that not all product problems can be solved through data-driven experimentation alone, advocating for intuition and judgment in tackling complex challenges. He advises focusing on individual decision-making rather than being swayed by overall outcomes, a concept known as "resulting." Noah outlines a 3-step process for quality decision-making: sharing context, building trust, and factoring in risk. He also introduces the 70:20:10 product roadmap rule for diversifying risk. 70% of efforts should focus on core products, 20% on emerging products, and 10% on experimental ideas. Finally, Noah highlights the importance of well-defined organizational values, like taking bigger, bolder bets and humility, to foster a culture conducive to impactful decision-making.
Leadership Management |
How Much Do Companies Invest in Developer Productivity Teams? — Abi Noda
tl;dr: What percentage of headcount should be allocated toward centralized productivity teams? Abi found that companies under 1,000 engineers allocate 18.9% of their headcount toward centralized productivity teams, with a range of 8%-37%. The average allocation decreased to 17.8% when including companies with more than 1,000 engineers. Abi breaks this down further by company size and categories of productivity teams.
Leadership Management Productivity |
Custom Kube-Scheduler: Why And How to Set it Up in Kubernetes — Phil Andrews
tl;dr: Sometimes the default Kubernetes scheduler isn't sufficient for your Pod's needs. Dive into comprehensive guide on establishing a custom Kubernetes scheduler, centered on the 'MostAllocated' strategy for those unique scenarios. Learn the ins and outs of crafting a configuration file, deploying your custom scheduler, and effectively scheduling Pods, complete with essential troubleshooting tips.
Promoted by Cast AI Kubernetes UsefulTool |
The Surprising Connection Between After-Hours Work And Decreased Productivity
tl;dr: Key learnings from Slack’s Workforce Index: (1) Employees who log off at the end of the workday register 20% higher productivity scores than those who feel obligated to work after hours. (2) Making time for breaks during the workday improves employee productivity and well-being, and yet half of all desk workers say they rarely or never take breaks. (3) On average, desk workers say that the ideal amount of focus time is around four hours a day, and more than two hours a day in meetings is the tipping point at which a majority of workers feel overburdened by meetings. (4) Three out of every four desk workers report working in the 3 to 6pm timeframe, but of those, only one in four consider these hours highly productive. Productivity |
“A new idea comes suddenly and in a rather intuitive way, but intuition is nothing but the outcome of earlier intellectual experience.”
— Albert Einstein |
Canon TDD — Kent Beck tl;dr: Test-driven development (TDD) is a programming method where new features are added without disrupting existing functions. It ensures new and old features work correctly, readies the system for future updates, and builds programmer confidence. The flow is as follows: (1) Write a list of the test scenarios you want to cover. (2) Turn exactly one item on the list into an actual, concrete, runnable test. (3) Change the code to make the test (& all previous tests) pass (adding items to the list as you discover them). (4) Optionally refactor to improve the implementation design. (5) Until the list is empty, go back to #2.
Tests Process |
The New Developer Nation Survey Is Live! Join Forces With Thousands Of Devs Worldwide! — Lou Bichard
tl;dr: Take part in the Developer Nation Survey and influence the future of the developer ecosystem. Every respondent will get a virtual goodie bag packed with FREE resources and the chance to win amazing prizes. Start now!
Promoted by SlashData DevEx Survey |
Let Code Speak For Itself tl;dr: Comments that offer useless information hurt readability. Here are some tips to let your code speak for itself: (1) Write comments to explain the “why” behind a certain approach in code. (2) Use well-named identifiers to guide the reader and reduce the need for comments. (3) Write function comments that describe intended meaning and purpose, not implementation details. (4) Omit comments that state the obvious.
Tips BestPractices |
The Hidden Depths Of The Input Element — Phil Nash tl;dr: "The <input> element is the most fascinating element in HTML. Most elements behave the same way regardless of their attributes, the type attribute of the <input> element can take 1 of 22 different values that gives it not only different behaviour, but a different visual appearance too. I want to look beyond the various types that the <input> can embody, to the attributes you may not know about. Attributes that tweak the behaviour of the <input> to make it more usable, more accessible, and more applicable to various situations. Let's dig in."
FrontEnd HTML |
The Largest Money-Printing UI Element Ever Made — Jim Nelson tl;dr: "The largest source of money flowing into the world of programming languages comes from Google paying to be the default search engine... Google took in $283bn in revenue in one year. Of that, $49bn went towards “traffic acquisition costs” which includes Google paying other browsers for the preference of being the default search engine."
Search Trend |
Biome: Toolchain for web projects.
chDB: Embedded OLAP SQL Engine.
Huh?: Library for forms and prompts in the terminal.
Pypush: Cross-platform iMessage POC.
Stylex: Styling system for user interfaces.
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