
The Two Healthbar Theory Of Burnout

- Jeff Dwyer tl;dr: Jeff introduces the Two Health Bar Theory, likening work stress to a video game character's health bars. The outer bar can heal, but once depleted, the core bar takes hits, with its blocks being irrevocably lost. Jeff emphasizes that while some can function with a diminished core bar, deep burnout manifests in behavioral changes. "Personally, I have found it hard to heal the core health bar without switching jobs."

featured in #447

Emotional Resilience In Leadership Report 2020

- Jan Chipchase Jonny Miller tl;dr: An extensive report on causes of burnout and its implications, this report goes into detailed as strategies for emotional resilience in section 7.

featured in #203

Sleep Well, Lead Better

- Christopher Barnes tl;dr: "Sleep-deprived leaders were more impatient, irritable, and antagonistic, which resulted in worse relationships."

featured in #200

How To Spot When An Employee Is Secretly Struggling

- Caroline Rook Thomas Hellwig tl;dr: Check-in via Zoom polls using questions like "What is your energy level?" Some employees may still feel intimated, so go deep in 1-1s using the “Stress APGAR” framework.  

featured in #185

How To Reduce "Attention Residue" In Your Life

- Madeleine Dore tl;dr: Get Your Life In Order (GYLIO) practices bundle tasks into a single morning, day or week to clear your mind.

featured in #173

Burnout in Software Development Demystified

- Matthieu Cneude tl;dr: A guide to burnout - causes, symptoms, how to talk about it to your manager and strategies to counter it. "Strong social bounds are the best medicine against chronic stress."

featured in #171

This is What Most People Get Wrong About Willpower

- Nir Eyal tl;dr: Willpower acts like an emotion and is not finite as many perceive. You don't run out of it but can have self defeating thoughts that work against it. 

featured in #170

What Happens When Your Career Becomes Your Whole Identity

- Janna Koretz tl;dr: “Enmeshment” is where the boundaries between people become blurred, and individual identities lose importance. You can become enmeshed with your career too. This article discusses why this happens, the dangers and what you can do. 

featured in #167

How To Stay Productive When You Are Understaffed

- Valentin Sawadski tl;dr: Broken into 4 steps (1) self-care (2) realistic planning (3) optimize efficiency (4) understanding your "10x" - what can you do to make everything permanently easier. 

featured in #166

Devotion (Audio)

- Peter McManus Elizabeth Ann tl;dr: Podcast episode about Terry Davis, a computer scientist who developed an entire operating system - as instructed by god - called Temple OS, while suffering from schizophrenia. 

featured in #161