
Speaking Truth To Power: Reflections On My Career At Microsoft

- James Whitaker tl;dr: Cultural shadows of past CEOs remain, so does the flawed management they hired. Microsoft's rejuvenation under the current CEO has come in departments where such managers have been cast aside for less well known, culturally diverse talent. These changes are not prevalent enough though. Click the link in this tweet to bypass the paywall.

featured in #159

Getting To The Heart Of Digital Accessibility

- Carie Fisher tl;dr: Inclusivity in tech is still a challenge, and that streams down to the way in which sites are designed. Making them inclusive for others is paramount, here are steps on how you should think about that.

featured in #149

Knowledge Resides In Teams

- Jessica Kerr tl;dr: The "magic of a gelled team is that they know how to work together". The responsibility of a team's manager is to understand the inter-relationships that create that magic.

featured in #146

6 Things to Expect When You’re The Only Woman On A Team Of Developers

- Amber Wilkie tl;dr: Among the six, you will learn to speak up in a room full of men and leverage emotional intelligence in managing situations.

featured in #146

Becoming A Bad-ass Engineering Leader: 5 Tried And True Lessons From A Woman Of Color

- Rukmini Reddy tl;dr: Reddy highlights the challenges she faced as she took on a lead engineer role, as both a female and person of color, along with the lessons she learned along the way.

featured in #144

Rage Against the Codebase: Programmers and Negativity

- Way Spurr-Chen tl;dr: Negativity in engineering is exasperated by quirks of the profession - negativity is proven to be "frequently viewed as both more intelligent and more competent". However, it's toxic often spreading down the org. A tech lead's negative attitude is adopted by his team, it's dangerous to productivity and expensive to business. Click through Twitter if paywalled.

featured in #137