Friday 5th January’s issue is presented by Clerk |
Authentication & User Management For The Modern Web
Clerk is the easiest way to add authentication and user management to your app.
With prebuilt UI components and feature-rich SDKs & APIs, Clerk is purpose-built for the React, Next.js, and the modern web, and designed to get developers up and running in minutes. |
2024 Guide To Goals For Software Engineers — Jordan Cutler
tl;dr: “When deciding on goals, start with the end in mind. Think about the focus areas you need to grow in to get to your ideal state, then create goals for each focus area. To make sure you complete your goals, break down, break down, break down. Start with annual goals, then break them into quarterly goals, then for each quarterly goal, create action items for that quarter.” Jordan exemplifies 5 different types of goals and tells us to know which type we’re setting: (1) Objectives not 100% within our control e.g. be promoted to senior engineer. (2) Objectives 100% within our control e.g. exhibit the behaviors of a senior engineer. (3) Action-based checklists e.g. read 25 books this year. (4) Recurring patterns e.g. work out 3 times per week. (5) Feeling e.g. Feel more confident at public speaking.
CareerAdvice |
The 30 Best Pieces Of Advice In 2023
tl;dr: "We present our collection of little tactics, resonant reminders and operating principles to guide you in the following roundup of the 30 best pieces of advice we heard in the past year. Take them with you as we’re thrust forward into all that 2024 has ahead:" (1) Hit refresh on your interview questions for manager candidates. (2) Set goals by trying to tell a story. (3) Opinions come at a cost — spend wisely. (4) Balance the core product with new bets by looking to the horizons. (5) Pinpoint where you’re delivering feedback as a manager. Leadership Management |
Unlocking the Power of Your Permissions: Clerk's New Authorization Helpers — Colin Sidoti
tl;dr: Clerk Introduces Enhanced Authorization with has(), protect(), and <Protect> for tailored user permissions and security. Make Customizing Access a Breeze. Get Serious About Access Management!
Promoted by Clerk Management UsefulTool |
8 Tips To Manage Your Time Better To Achieve Your Goals In 2024 — Peter Yang tl;dr: (1) Focus on one big thing: Your one big thing is usually important but not urgent. You should do your one big thing as early as possible every day. (2) Manage your energy: Before noon, I do tasks that require critical thinking like writing and making important decisions at work. In the afternoon, I do tasks that require less mental energy like sharing product updates or consuming content. (3) Ask to discuss async. Peter's favorite response when someone asks to meet is: "can we discuss async first?" And more.
Productivity |
“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit.”
– Aristotle |
How Uber Finds Nearby Drivers At 1 Million Requests Per Second
tl;dr: H3 is a hexagonal-shaped hierarchical geospatial indexing system created at Uber dividing Earth’s surface into cells on a flat grid, giving each cell a unique identifier with a 64-bit integer. Uber finds nearby drivers by identifying the relevant cells covering the rider's area and then listing the drivers in those cells sorted by the estimated time of arrival (ETA). H3 offers the benefits of a hierarchical indexing system and a hexagonal grid system.
Architecture Scale |
Factors That Can Affect The Development Time Of Your MVP tl;dr: The concept of a Minimum Viable Product has emerged as a beacon for startups and entrepreneurs. However, the development time required to breathe life into the MVP is an intricate equation, influenced by a multitude of factors. In this blog post Match.dev team summarizes non-obvious factors that can negatively affect the development time of your MVP.
Promoted by Match Management |
The World's Smallest PNG — Evan Hahn tl;dr: This post describes this file in more detail and tries to explain how PNGs work along the way. The smallest PNG file has four sections: (1) The PNG signature, the same for every PNG: 8 bytes. (2) The image’s metadata, which includes its dimensions: 25 bytes. (3) The image’s pixel data: 22 bytes. (4) An “end of image” marker: 12 bytes.
Performance Images |
2024 Tech Predictions — Ted Neward tl;dr: “I'm including a probability score with each one, in much the same way intelligence officials do in their assessment reports, to give you a sense of how confident I am in the prediction”: (1) Hiring will open up. (2) WebAssembly will gain more traction. (3) Generative AI will lose its luster. (4) We will begin to disambiguate between generative AI and large language models. (5) Custom AI models will begin to gain traction. (6) New and interesting languages will begin to make waves. (7) Cracks in the "full-stack developer" facade will grow. (8) AR/VR will start showing glimmers of life. And more.
Trends |
The One Billion Row Challenge — Gunnar Morling tl;dr: "Your mission, should you decide to accept it, is deceptively simple: write a Java program for retrieving temperature measurement values from a text file and calculating the min, mean, and max temperature per weather station. There’s just one caveat: the file has 1,000,000,000 rows!"
Database |
Jan: OS ChatGPT alternative that runs offline.
Homepage: Customizable homepage with Docker and API integrations.
Minimalist CV: Print-friendly, minimalist CV page.
OpenVoice: Instant voice cloning.
ParadeDB: PostgreSQL for search.
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