Issue #504

9 April 2024

Issue #504

Tuesday 9th April’s issue is presented by OneSchema

Tired Of SEVs From Broken SFTP Integrations?

OneSchema FileFeeds empowers your non-technical teams to fully manage your SFTP integrations.

Scale your engineering team off of brittle, error-prone Python scripts, and empower your support team with OneSchema’s data normalization engine – designed to transform and validate CSV/XML files completely no-code.

Our system comes with enterprise-grade observability, security, and access control, ensuring that your data syncs are reliable and accurate.

Have Concerns And Commit

tl;dr: “I lead a couple of teams. I could use a gut check on decision making. how do you convey a top down decision (a decision that you don’t buy in entirely) to your team? something other than “hey, leadership wants x, I see a, b, and c as potential pitfalls in x. I have conveyed my reservations. now it’s time to disagree and commit”” The author breaks decisions into three types - non-material, material and critical.

Leadership Management

Headline Driven Development

— Slava Akhmechet

tl;dr: Process involves: (1) Decomposing the project into a stream of headlines. (2) Picking an aggressive ship date for the first headline and working hard to meet it. (3) Having everyone focus only on one headline at a time - the upcoming one. (4) Ignoring everything else that doesn't help ship the current headline. (5) Once a headline ships, switching to the next one and repeating. This process works well as for three reasons - headlines is how humans process change, prioritization is easy and setting deadlines is effective.

Process Management

3 Hours to 3 Minutes: How Mobile reCell Is Importing Customer Data 60x Faster

— Will Genesen

tl;dr: Mobile reCell streamlined their customer data import process, reducing file cleaning time from 3 hours to 3 minutes. By leveraging the pre-built validation library and intuitive interface with smart suggestions, they quickly set up validations for key workflows. The engineering team fine-tuned the implementation to focus on critical data points while allowing flexibility for less critical customer data. 

Promoted by OneSchema

Management UsefulTool

Advice to Young People, The Lies I Tell Myself

— Jason Liu

tl;dr: Many topics covered, including the following: (1) How to be lucky: Develop a wide field of perception to see opportunities. Ask yourself if you're so focused on one thing that you're missing obvious opportunities. (2) How to get a job: Merit alone is often not enough. Focus on being someone people want to work with. High agency - thinking proactively about how you can help - is key when reaching out. (3) Impostor syndrome: If someone hires you, believe in their judgment. Don't insult them by having impostor syndrome. 


“The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.”

— Stephen Covey

When To Use Cute Names Or Descriptive Names

— Nicole Tietz-Sokolskaya

tl;dr: If a name is hard to change and the code is likely to evolve, use a creative, "cute" name. A descriptive name becomes a liability if it can't keep up with changes. If a name is easy to change, use a descriptive and unambiguous name, even if it gets verbose. Verbosity signals when something needs refactoring. Nicole shares high-level thoughts around naming.


Classifying Bug Reports With ChatGPT

— Rafael Quintanilha

tl;dr: Rafael creates an automated workflow that: (1) Triggers on new bug reports. (2) Uses ChatGPT to classify the report based on the user description. (3) Updates the priority accordingly. (4) Sends a Slack notification if and only if the bug is deemed as Urgent.


Predicting Solar Eclipses With Python

— Erik Bernhardsson

tl;dr: “As I am en route to see my first total solar eclipse, I was curious how hard it would be to compute eclipses in Python. It turns out, ignoring some minor coordinate system head-banging, I was able to get something half-decent working in a couple of hours.”


How Built Scalable Search With PostgreSQL

— Tanishq Singh

tl;dr: The post outlines how built a scalable fuzzy search solution using PostgreSQL that handles over 10 million search queries per month with p99 query performance under 20ms, outlining the key steps. 

PostgreSQL Search

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Notable Links

Homepage: Customizable homepage with Docker and API integrations.

Llamafile: Distribute and run LLMs with a single file.

LLocalSearch: Locally running search aggregator using LLM Agents.

Pgmock: In-memory Postgres for unit / E2E tests.

Plandex: AI coding engine for complex tasks.

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