/Itamar Turner-Trauring

Faster Hardware Is A Bad First Solution To Slow Software tl;dr: How do you decide if faster hardware is the correct solution to your software performance problems? This article discusses: (1) What money can buy you in terms of hardware. (2) Why hardware won’t always help. (3) Why faster hardware shouldn’t always be your first solution even when it does help. (4) Changing the tradeoff by making it easier to create efficient software from the start.

featured in #364

From YAGNI To YDNIY tl;dr: The goal of YAGNI - You You Ain’t Gonna Need It principle - and YDNIY - You Don’t Need It Yet - is to get something useful into users’ hands as quickly as possible.

featured in #208

“Let’s Use Kubernetes!” Now You Have 8 problems tl;dr: A look into the many complexities of Kubernetes. While "in some situations Kubernetes is a really great idea. In others it’s a timesink with no benefit."

featured in #175

Setting Boundaries At Your Job As A Programmer tl;dr: Some thoughts on how to set boundaries - don't ask for prep work before starting a new job, don't setup work email or slack on your phone or personal computer. Don't take your laptop on vacation.

featured in #136

Accessibility Insights for Web tl;dr: Google Chrome extension for "assessing the accessibility of web sites and web applications." You can see errors in place and visualize tab-stops.

featured in #132