
Monitoring Tiny Web Services

- Julia Evans tl;dr: Julia's goal is to spend approximately 0% of time on ongoing operations for "tiny unimportant websites," writing a program that does 3 things: (1) An uptime checker. (2) An end-to-end healthcheck. (3) Automatically restart if the healthcheck fails.

featured in #343

CSS Tips

- Marko Denic tl;dr: "CSS tips and tricks you won’t see in most of the tutorials," such as creating the typing effect with no JS, using the drop-shadow filter function, smooth scrolling with one line of CSS and no JS. And more. 

featured in #309

Make Debugging Suck Less. Keep A Logbook. 

- Conor Lamb tl;dr: "Scientists keep logbooks for their findings. Why don’t computer scientists?" Conor shares an example of one and cites these benefits: (1) Enumerate where you are in the bug fixing journey. (2) Keeps you rooted when you have a stack of issues. (3) Makes your future steps clearer. (4) Documents the time and effort spent, helpful to show your team the energy you put in. (5) Documents your eventual success and how it happened.

featured in #284

5 Tips for Evaluating SOC 2 Security Monitoring Platforms

tl;dr: If you're needing to get SOC 2 certified, you're likely looking for the fastest and easiest platform to get it done. Let's be honest, it isn't fun (and usually not fast or easy either). It helps to know what to look for in a security monitoring platform so that you can avoid any unexpected hiccups. Here are the top 5 things to pay attention to in your evaluation process.

featured in #277

Developer Tools Secrets That Shouldn’t Be Secrets

- Christian Heilmann tl;dr: (1) Console is more than log() - it's console.log(width), console.error(), console.trace(), etc... (2) You can log without source access. (3) You can log outside the browser i.e. in the VS Code debugger. (4) You can inject code into any site. And more.

featured in #274

Do-nothing Scripting: The Key To Gradual Automation

- Dan Slimmon tl;dr: There are often procedures that need automating. They are focus-intensive yet require little thought. These are a "slog" and can be turned into a "do-nothing script" that "encodes the instructions of a slog, encapsulating each step (that needs to happen) in a function." Dan provides an example and believes the value is immense - (1) it's easier to power through the slog. (2) It's requires less activation energy. (3) It makes future automation easier.

featured in #273

When Costs Are Nonlinear, Keep It Small

- Jessica Kerr tl;dr: "Do the easy boring job regularly, instead of the hard scary job in a panic." Jessica highlights the increasing, non-linear costs incurred when we don't repair something often and frequently.

featured in #224

Hard To Discover Tips And Apps For Making MacOS Pleasant

- Tristan Hume tl;dr: "Inspired by a few different conversations with friends who’ve switched to macOS where I give them a whole bunch of tips and recommendations..." Tristan also provides suggestions for iOS and productivity apps.

featured in #205

80-characters-per-line Limits Should Be Terminal, Says Linux Kernel Chief Linus Torvalds

- Simon Sharwood tl;dr: "Linus Torvalds has railed against 80-character-lines as a de facto programming standard and has moved to make reminders to keep things short a thing of the past."

featured in #184

GitHub Protips: Tips, Tricks, Hacks, And Secrets From Lee Reilly

- Lee Reilly tl;dr: Make your @mentions stand out, using dark theme, markdown formatting tips and more.

featured in #181